Dear Colleagues,
I write this message post-holiday season and am grateful for another successful AAAR conference and year. The decision to switch to a virtual format was guided by the tremendous feedback and recommendations from our engaged membership and aerosol community. Indeed, our 2nd virtual conference was a success because so many members, sponsors, and exhibitors continue to return and contribute to the growth and vitality of our organization. Thus, I give a special thanks and acknowledgment to our Immediate past president (Prof. Sergey Nizkorodov), former conference chair (Prof. Chris Hogan), working group chairs, committee chairs, and management group – Virtual, who pulled us through another tough pandemic year.
It amazes me how much our members have done and continue to do to stay connected and relevant. For example, the AAAR Lecture Series is Fi-ya! (In a good way!) If you haven’t yet attended, I encourage you to put the next one on your Google calendar immediately. The selected speakers present cutting-edge research at the forefront of aerosol science and the recordings are available online afterward. Furthermore, this charge is led by our flourishing student chapters and early-career professionals. Truly, initiatives like the AAAR Lecture Series and the interactive web version of Particulars, approved and funded by the AAAR Board of Directors, allow us to explore meaningful methods to network and share our knowledge in the current pandemic world.
It is my hope as incoming President to continue to cultivate unique ideas and events that help our organization thrive. This year, I intend to work with the new Board of Directors to strengthen the connections of our existing membership and to promote effective ways to spotlight the relevance of our organization and discipline in an ever-complex world. In closing, I am very thankful to be part of an organization that deeply respects science. I attended my first conference in 2004 as a graduate student and each membership year has brought new forms of engagement and participation. In 2022, I am now grateful to serve as president and I look forward to a memorable year ahead!
Akua Asa-Awuku
President, AAAR Board of Directors
This issue’s Newsletter Committee:
Editor | Kerry Kelly, University of UtahSenior Assistant Editor | Krystal Pollitt, Yale UniversityJunior Assistant Editor | Justice Archer, University of BristolGuest Contributor | Dong Gao