Included in Issue: Summer 2023

Message from the President

Dear Colleagues,

Summer is truly here, bringing warm weather and thoughts of visiting Portland, OR in October for the 41st Annual Conference. Andy Grieshop, 2023 Conference Chair, and the Working Group chairs/vice-chairs have put together an excellent program – you can take a peek at the draft schedule here ( and learn more in the Conference Update in this issue.

We are excited to announce a new educational opportunity for AAAR members at academic institutions – access to the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) Center for Doctoral Training in Aerosol Sciences course materials. Learn more in the article in this issue. And if you use these materials, please give us feedback.

Center for Aerosol Science and Engineering Ad

You should have received an email about the AAAR Mentoring Program near the end of July. We have teamed up with the American Geophysical Union (AGU) to be a partner in their Mentoring 365 Program. They will provide the platform for connecting mentors and mentees, as well as excellent materials about mentoring. We’ll provide opportunities for interaction at the conference and during the year. Please sign up to be a mentor or mentee today.

It is not too late to volunteer! We are still seeking committee members for three-year terms that start at the end of the conference, including for Awards, Early Career, Education, Endowment, Development, Finance, Internet, Newsletter, and more. Check out the full list of committees and what they do here ( and contact Faye McNeill, Vice President ( if you are interested.

My term as President will end at the conference. It has truly been an honor to serve this year and I appreciate your trust in me to guide AAAR as we continue to transition back to more normal times. The smooth functioning of AAAR relies on a huge amount of hard work by AAAR volunteers and by our management company, Virtual, Inc. Thank you to everyone for your dedication and support. Feel free to reach out to me with questions or comments at I hope to see you in Portland in October.

Leah Williams, Aerodyne

President, AAAR Board of Directors


This Issue’s Newsletter Committee:

Editor | Krystal Pollitt, Yale UniversitySenior Assistant Editor | Justice Archer, University of BristolJunior Assistant Editor | Dong Gao, Yale UniversityGuest Contributor | Sarah Petters, Aarhus University