I look forward to interacting with you at the AAAR 39th Annual Conference, which, as described in Sergey’s Summer 2021 President’s Message, is now going to be a virtual event held October 18 – 22, 2021. We have spent the past several weeks working to adapt the conference program to a virtual format, and we hope to provide you with a rewarding and intellectually stimulating conference experience.
While the switch to a virtual conference format brings about many program changes, I am pleased to state that the conference will still feature 5 plenary sessions with extremely accomplished speakers:
- Professor Kimberly Prather, Scripps Institution of Oceanography and Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at UC San Diego – “ASEEP Lecture: Tiny Critters, Huge Impacts: Ocean Microbes, Climate, and Health“
- Professor Yifang Zhu, Fielding School of Public Health, University of California, Los Angeles – “Friedlander Lecture: Electronic Cigarette: The Knowns, Known Unknowns, and Unknown Unknowns“
- Professor Murray Johnston, Department of Chemistry, University of Delaware – “Aerosols in Chemistry and the Chemistry of Aerosols“
- Professor Angela Violi, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Michigan – “Mechanisms of Nanoparticle Formation and their Health Effects“
- Professor Randall Martin, Department of Energy, Environmental, & Chemical Engineering, Washington University -“Fine Particulate Matter: Interpreting Satellite Observations to Advance Understanding for Health Applications“
Program Format:
Presenters: To minimize program corrections, if you are unable to present your paper for any reason, please email us immediately at support@aaarabstracts.com.
- There will be no distinction between platform and poster presentations.
- To maximize scientific interaction throughout the conference, each presenter will upload an 8-10 minute video presentation whereafter registrants will be given access in advance of the conference. This leaves space for presenters, in groups of up to three individuals, to provide a 2-minute live overview of their work, followed by a 15-minute Q&A panel in each session.
- Tutorials will be held the week preceding the conference with 14 sessions occurring October 13-15. Due to the virtual format, registrants can sign up for individual tutorials at a rate of $50 per tutorial.
- Technical sessions on one of 16 topics will take place across 12 times slots.
- There will still be four special symposia sessions covering Aerosol Standards, Infectious Aerosols in the Age of COVID-19, Translating Aerosol Research for Societal Impact, and Wildfire Aerosols.
- Working group meetings will be held Friday, October 22, following the conclusion of the regular conference program.
Awards, Fellows, and Networking:
- The first plenary session will announce the 2021 AAAR Fellows and the first-ever recipient of the Susanne V. Hering Award.
- Subsequent plenary sessions will announce the recipients of the Sheldon K. Friedlander Award, Benjamin Y. H. Liu Award, Thomas T. Mercer Joint Prize, David Sinclair Award, and Kenneth T. Whitby Award.
- Be on the lookout for information on informal networking sessions, which we hope to build into the conference program.
Thanks to all of the working group chairs, symposium organizers, and others who have worked hard to put together an outstanding 2021 conference. I look forward to seeing you there (virtually)!
Chris Hogan
2021 AAAR Conference Chair
Newsletter Committee Members:
Editor | Gabriel Isacman-VanWertz, Virgina Tech UnivesitySenior Assistant Editor | Kerry Kelly, University of UtahJunior Assistant Editor | Krystal Pollitt, Yale University